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                                ---Made in Peru---

Plastic adult hanger:

Colgador de ropa


Length: 15.5 in   Width: 8 in

Available in the following colors:

color plastic ing2x.png

Lingerie hanger:

colgador para brassieres, sostenes, ropa de verano


Largo: 9.5 in   Width: 4 in

Available in the following colors:

color lenc ing2x.png

Children frame hanger:

colgador conjunto bebe, confecciones

Length: 14 in

Width (shoulders): 10.5 in


Only available in the color shown:

Plastic kid hanger:



Length: 11.5 in   Width: 6.5 in

Available in the following colors:

color plastic ing2x.png

Contact us for prices through Mail or Whatsapp

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Lima - Peru

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